F. Allan Knights

Obituary of F. Allan Knights

The sun is going down It’s getting dark and very quiet I realize my life journey is coming to an end it’s time to go February 25, 2022 Frank Allan Knights Ottawa (Vars) and Palm Beach FL Predeceased by parents Frank Herbert and Luella Knights, grandparents Frank Bolton and Lillian Knights, and James and Nettie Allan, as well as two special aunts, Birdie and Mary Elizabeth Allan. A grateful adieu to wife of 46 years, Estel (Blais) Knights, and a fond farewell to an extended family of both life-long and new friends. Graduated from Carleton U (Psychology) followed by post grad studies in marketing and organizational design at Ottawa U. Allan initially worked with an antique auction house in Old Montreal before returning to Ottawa to join the federal government where he worked through various portfolios at the executive level. Following this, Allan launched the Kalumet Group (management consulting), Kalumet Holdings (real estate development), and Kalumet Consulting (executive coaching). Allan was a straight shooter. At times a contradiction, demanding of what he considered his rights, yet going out of his way to help those in need. He never claimed to be a patient person, and though he thought he would mellow at some point, he was the first to admit it had not yet happened. Allan had an opinion on every issue, yet they were proffered in the hope that others would challenge and adjust his views. He will be remembered for his strategic skills, his flair for style and entertaining, his love of animals, and his somewhat sarcastic sense of humour. In Allan’s words: “Many angels have facilitated my life along the way. I always felt blessed to have lived life to its fullest, pretty well on my own terms. Through my retail (Bearbrook Gifts) and farming ventures (The Ridge Farms I, II and III), I was able to provide work opportunities for many generations of teens and I hope that I have contributed to their success. Living in FL these past 15 years and avoiding winter has been a bonus. Though never a particularly talented equestrian, I was able to ride at Palm Beach Academy in FL and Horses of the Sun in Vars until recently. I am most appreciative of a team of medical professionals that kept me glued together: Drs. Steve Pelletier, Chris Morash, Francois Charbonneau, Eric Caron, and physiotherapist Kevin Moore. I am forever grateful for the protective circle Estel and close friends made to help deal with declining realities.” Memorial to be arranged post-Covid.
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F. Allan